Pine Grove Junction, LLC.
One Stop
Store – Restaurant – Fuel
Serving Ferry County and Eastern Okanogan County
Commercial and Retail
Seven Days A Week
Store 5:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Restaurant 6:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Fuel 24 hour per day with Debit/Credit
Voted "Best Convenience Store, 2015"- Omak Chronicle

Yes! We are called the “GO TO COMPANY”

Pine Grove Junction, owned and operated by Republic residents, Randy and Vickie Cooper have been serving Ferry County and Eastern Okanogan County since 2004. A dream come true, we are able to be close to our family, 2 children and 8 grandchildren, while being the only 24 hour 7 days a week full service company catering to the local population and the businesses servicing our community.
We enjoy supporting our local businesses, farming, mining, logging…
Yes! We are called the “GO TO COMPANY”.

Contact Us
We'd love to hear from you
Pine Grove Junction, LLC.
16267 Highway 21 NorthPost Office Box 314
Republic, WA 99166
(509) 775-3304
One Stop
Store – Restaurant – FuelCommercial and Retail
Seven Days A Week
Store 5:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Restaurant 6:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Fuel 24 hour per day with Debit/Credit